Ultimate GOAL SETTING guide for 2024

Setting goals is a journey I've embraced over the years, experimenting with various methods. After much trial and error, I finally found a formula that works. In this guide, I'll share my 4-step plan to help you set effective goals for 2024.


Why Set Goals?

Setting goals is crucial; it gives us direction, a sense of purpose, and helps us not just drift through life. However, simply having a goal isn't enough. What truly matters is the actions we take towards achieving these goals.


The 4-Step Plan for 2024


1 - Summarize Your Previous Year

•                    On a piece of paper create write down the headings below with the word Achievement and Shortcomings under each label:

•        Business

•        Financial

•        Personal Development

•        Family

•        Health

•        Spiritual

•        Career

Here, think of your accomplishments and shortfalls for the current year and list them. Summarizing the current year is the best starting point for planning the next.

You will need to complete this before moving to step 2. See Example Audit CLICK HERE


2. Reflect on your accomplishments and shortcomings.


After listing the good things you've done and the areas where you didn't do as well, it's time to learn from both and self-reflect. Try to understand what worked and what didn’t, and why?


It's like being a detective in your own life. You're looking for clues to see what makes you do well and what holds you back.





3. The Magic Three: Planning for 2024


On a blank piece of paper with the template: See Page 2024 CLICK HERE

Utilize your previous year summary as guide for this section.

For each label (Business, Financial, Personal Dev, Family, Health, Spiritual, Career).

•                    Set THREE GOALS you wish to accomplish for 2024.

•                    Set THREE IMPORTANT ACTIVITES that you can repeatedly do to until it becomes a habit


If you are having a hard time trying to think about the activities required to achieve your goal. Use the inversion technique (I got this from Charlie Munger)


Ask yourself, “What can I do to guarantee I don’t hit my goal?” Once you figure out the activity Inverse it.



How do you guarantee your business fails?

Answer: Don’t tell people about it.

Inverse of not telling people about it: Tell people about it.

Activity: Tell people about my business.


Simple as that.


4. Measuring Progress

Once you have your activities, you can now focus on measuring the daily activities. While it’s great to set goals, your focus should be more of doing the work – the activities required to achieve those goals.


When measuring your results, the only questions you should be asking is “Did I do the necessary activity today, yes or no?”

If yes, good getting closer to your goal, if not no progress is made.


And every week and month, you should be setting activity goals.



Goal #1: Find 5 off-market deals.

Activity:  Door knock

Month 1: Knock on 30 doors.

Daily: Knock on one door.

Measure: Did I knock on one door today? Yes/No.


You don’t get results by focusing on the goal. You get results by doing the activities that produce results.


Share Your Progress

If this guide has been helpful, please share it with friends or family who might benefit as well. A bonus tip: Find an accountability partner. Sharing your journey with someone else can truly make a world of difference.

-Karl Dela Cruz


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