MB November Market Update (2023)
RTB Update
Claims: 46 days
Order of Possession for Non-Payment of Rent: 14 days
Order of Possession for Other: 25 days
Claims: 49 days
Order of Possession for Non Payment of Rent: 14 days
Order of Possession for Other: 20 days
Claims: 46 days
Order of Possession for Non Payment of Rent: 11 days
Order of Possession for Other: 23 days
Claims: 49 days
Order of Possession for Non Payment of Rent: 14 days
Order of Possession for Other: 20 days
We also have a new Minister, now that the government has changed: Lisa Naylor, who will be performing double duty as the current Minister of Transportation and Instrastructrure as well as Consumer Protection and Government Services.
- Provided by Garret Wong, Upper Edge Property Management
Local Market (MB) Updates (October Stats)
The total number of active listings in October was 4,047 which is up 10% over last year and up 5% over the 5-year average.
The total number of sales in October was 1,131 which is 7% over last year and down 12% over the 5-year average.
Detached home sales in October were 776 which is up 5% over last year and down 15% over the 5-year average. The average home price was $399,017 which is down about half a percent from last month when the average price was $397,275.
Condominium sales in October were 173 which is up 19% over last year and down 3% over the 5-year average. The average price was $259,127 which is down 5% from last month when the average price was $272,513.
Absorption Rate:
Sellers Market = 0 - 3.5 months of inventory
Balanced Market = 3.5 - 4.5 months of inventory
Buyers Market = 4.5+ months of inventory
The absorption rate in October was 3.58 placing us in a very balanced market. Listings are up but sales are down across the board when looking at the 5-year average. Interest rates have definitely had a role to play in affecting these numbers
--Provided Nigel Nolin & Chaymaine Roberts
Nolin Group | Real Broker