Referral Partner Program

The referral program is like a service provider google database for the real estate investment industry!

Imagine consistent customers being referred to you.

Our members will have access to this state of the art referral program on our website backend, accessed through a login portal. This means, they’ll go here before they go to google and find a stranger. Why? Because it’s one thing to go to google or ask for a referral but if you could go to one place and see star ratings and reviews catered to the real estate investment community / industry. Most individuals will go to our referral partner program vs traditional means.

How Is This Different?

Creating consistent opportunities for business and revenue through clients who are always in need of your services.

  • Our community managers work around the clock & source opportunities to serve you. Anytime someone is in need of your services, within our community and outside of our community.

    We source these leads via Facebook groups, community platforms, & social media inquiries.

  • Real estate investors and others are constantly in need of trades and service providers. As individuals leverage this platform, they will continue returning. This builds familiarity and whilst someone may not have connected with you yet.., it’s bound to happen that they will.

  • The real estate community is a community of repeat business. Our referrals do multiple projects a year ranging from single-family up to 400-unit developments. The referral is not a one-and-done type of referral.

  • Beyond our word of mouth, members will refer you as well via word of mouth seeing as they are aware of your association with NREIC.

Join Our Referral Partner Program Today...

Join Our Referral Partner Program Today...

Limited spots are available, join today!

The referral partner program allows us to put you front and center for ALL inquiries within our NREIC community but additionally, any other communities or requests that our community managers source as well.